St. John the Guardian of Our Lady Parish - Clinton, MA - Finished!
The beautiful church in downtown Clinton with its gothic steeple and buttresses was photographed on a sunny Sunday morning in late July,...

Worcester City Hall Completed!
The Italianate structure that is city hall for Worcester, MA is modeled after Italian Renaissance Palazzos like the Palazzo Vecchiohe in...

Clinton Olde Home Day Pop Up Art Show
I first entered the art show for Clinton's Olde Home Day in early September back in 2006. I became interested in the industrial towns...
Framingham, MA Small Colonial House
This painting came about from the word of mouth of a lady whose house I painted in Berlin in 2012. She bought my painting not knowing...

Kenneth Burns Bridge Lake Quinsigamond - Shrewsbury, MA Plein Air Painting
I painted the new route 9 bridge in Shrewsbury yesterday morning. I set up in a small area of grass behind Jimmy's Bar and Grill and...

City Hall Worcester Massachusetts - Next Rendering
Italianate in style the City Hall on Main Street in Worcester Massachusetts was once the tallest building when it was built in the late...

45 Hilltop Road, Weston, MA House Finished!
Glowing lamps under the left round porch were the finishing touch to an enjoyable project. All in all the house is beautiful, within the...

45 Hilltop Road Weston, MA - New Painting!
Took this picture last summer. Wasn't sure if it can be done well with the tree in the middle of the house and a back lit sun...

East Princeton Post Office and Country Store Circa 1960 is my next painting!
Located on route 140 at the foot of Mount Wachusett was the East Princeton Post Office and Country Store. In the 1960s 78 Main St....